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Jury for the 2019 APEX awards announced

Jury for the 2019 APEX awards announced

Jury for the 2019 APEX awards announcedDrawn from strategy, digital, creative, research, media, marketing as well as agency heads, the 2019 APEX award adjudication panel consists of highly regarded individuals and industry trail blazers. The group is tasked with the...

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#BUDGET2019: The ALOE in the room

#BUDGET2019: The ALOE in the room

#BUDGET2019: The ALOE in the roomMathe Okaba, CEO of the ACA looks at the 2019 Budget and what the communication and advertising sector can learn from it. In his first budget speech as Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni provided the country with some insight into how...

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Advertising Regulatory Board launches

Advertising Regulatory Board launches

Advertising Regulatory Board launchesThis week, the Advertising Regulatory Board formally started work from their offices in the Market Research Foundation  building in Bryanston which is also home to MASA. The ARB takes over the work of administering the Code of...

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Winners of the 2018 APEX awards announced

Winners of the 2018 APEX awards announced

Winners of the 2018 APEX awards announcedOn the 16th July, the highly valued annual APEX events were held in Sandton, where the Association for Communication and Advertising (ACA) hosted the NeXt Level of Thinking Masterclass in the morning followed by the APEX Awards...

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ACA Board of Directors for 2018/2019 announced

ACA Board of Directors for 2018/2019 announced

ACA Board of Directors for 2018/2019 announcedOn Thursday 25th May 2018, The Association for Communication and Advertising (ACA) held its 71st Annual General Meeting at the AAA School of Advertising campus in Johannesburg.  At the AGM, the new Board of Directors for...

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First ACA ‘Future Ballers’ event a resounding success

First ACA ‘Future Ballers’ event a resounding success

First ACA ‘Future Ballers’ event a resounding successThere is a myth about age discrimination in advertising. Some say that while ‘ageism’ exists in all industries, in advertising it appears to be on ‘steroids’. It is true that if you look at the industry fleetingly,...

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APEX 2019 – call for entries

APEX 2019 – call for entries

APEX 2019 – Call for EntriesThe Association for Communication and Advertising (ACA) is pleased to announce that the 2019 APEX awards season is officially open for entry. The annual APEX awards is hosted by the ACA, the official representative body for the...

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Mathe Okaba named new CEO of the ACA

Mathe Okaba named new CEO of the ACA

Mathe Okaba named new CEO of the ACAMathe Okaba has been appointed to the position of CEO of the Association for Communication and Advertising (ACA), the official industry body for the advertising profession in South Africa. Her appointment follows a rigorous and...

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Bookings for APEX 2018 gala event and masterclass are open

Bookings for APEX 2018 gala event and masterclass are open

Bookings for APEX 2018 Gala Event and Masterclass are openThe Association for Communication and Advertising (ACA) announced that ticket sales are open and selling fast for the two 2018 APEX awards events being held on Monday 16th July, 2018 at The Sandton Convention...

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Richfield Holdings partners with adland

Richfield Holdings partners with adland

Richfield Holdings partners with adlandThe Association for Communication and Advertising NPC (ACA) and Richfield Holdings (Pty) Ltd (Richfield) are pleased to announce the conclusion of an agreement of sale in which the ACA will sell its shareholding in the AAA School...

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