
Effie Worldwide Report Shows Humanity Lies at the Heart of Effectiveness

NEW YORK, May 9, 2024 The most important factor driving effectiveness in marketing isn’t data or AI, but human qualities and behaviors says a new global report by Effie Worldwide.

The report, titled ‘Making Effectiveness Happen’, surveyed 170+ leaders and senior marketers across the industry at the world’s most effective companies, including ranked top performers in the Global Effie Index and Global Best of the Best Winners, with the aim of getting a deeper understanding of how to put effectiveness into action.

The Report’s key findings include:

  • Only 1 in 3 respondents feel they have a mature, embedded effectiveness culture
  • More than 60% of the effectiveness drivers identified are human-centered, including values and behaviors, relationships and collaboration
  • There are 3 key buildings blocks to effectiveness cultures, the right cultural values and ways of working, alongside equipping teams with the tools and skills they need
  • Sustainable effectiveness does not happen in isolation: 79% said success came from nurturing 2 or more of the building blocks
  • 70% said their effectiveness culture starts with leadership
  • Clarity of briefing is the most important success factor when it comes to optimizing the client/agency relationship for effectiveness
  • 87% invested in training to develop marketing effectiveness capabilities, identifying it as a crucial success factor

Traci Alford, Global CEO of Effie Worldwide: “In our exploration of effectiveness, we’ve uncovered a fundamental truth: humanity lies at the heart of effectiveness. It’s not just about what we do, but how we do it—nurturing relationships, fostering collaboration, and embracing the values that drive us forward.”

Sharing the right data at the right time is still a challenge for the industry, the report finds.  Traci adds: “Data is a crucial compass for marketers. But behind every data point and analytics tool lies a human mind that interprets what is and isn’t important and understands the human behaviors driving the numbers. It’s this human connection that transforms raw data into actionable wisdom, propelling us towards our goals with confidence and creativity.”

There is lots of talk around cultures of effectiveness, but what is in short supply is clear guidance on how to create them.  The report is based on the experience of some of the best leaders in Effie’s global network. By sharing their insights, principles and tactics, the report hopes to help marketers make effectiveness happen in their own teams.

Download the Report

In addition, Effie Worldwide provides 3 actionable guides to help marketers build a culture of effectiveness for themselves, including a framework that can be used as a planning tool to guide organizations through the key stages of effectiveness. It works universally across all marketing activities, business challenges and industry sectors.

About the survey
Agency leaders accounted for 65% of respondents to the survey, brand marketers 26%, with the remaining 9% from media, research, tech and other companies.

The ACA is the official representative body for the Communications and Advertising profession in South Africa, representing agencies in the profession to government, media and the public. The ACA is a voluntary body formed by and for the industry, focused on and committed to self-regulation and to defending the highest standards of ethical practice.

Prepared for:
The Association for Communication and Advertising
Gillian Rightford – Interim Executive Director
(010) 880 3399